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Traveling & Thinking Out Loud with the People’s Pastor Fri-Wed, May 26-31, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023

My event coordinator Sarah and I went over program and revisited additions and discussed the participants and the roles that they should play in the program.

Response to Stella

One of the conversations we had with an NYU student who had expressed concerns that the Methodist church in the MetroTech park was not being used properly. She had read the plaque that I had put on the church in a ceremony recounting the history of this particular church. We had discussed how we could persuade the president of NYU and the owners of the park to make this area Freedom Square, the park would be called Freedom Square and the church would be identified as a great place of history and it would then be turned into a place for community, lecture series, similar to Timbuktu. And so we will be continuing to have this discussion.

The Downtown area of Brooklyn is replete with historical sites. We used to do an annual tour through the area starting at our church to Brooklyn Heights reformed church where Dr. Henry Ward Beecher, the brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe. The author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. He was the pastor of that church for 40 years and very much involved in the abolitionist movement.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Organizing & Membership Drive Meeting

I had a very interesting experience. I had left the passenger side of the front of my car open. It had been open for a long time. They came to my door, this Jewish person to inform me that my car door was open, he said he would close it, but he can’t do it on his Sabbath. It was Saturday. I thought long about it and remembered years ago when I was a boy scout chaplain and annually would go to the 10-mile river Upstate, NY and spend the summer as the Protestant chaplain. This particular evening a Jewish woman waited for me to come out of my house and said to me she was terribly concerned that she had not seen or heard from her husband in a long time, which is unusual for him. Would I go looking for her husband? She knew how to drive, but her religion forbade her being near a car, touching a car, etc. She couldn’t drive. I drove around the camp looking for her husband and returned to inform his wife that he was okay. In fact, she followed me a little later, to make sure she was relieved.

Here she was in distress and her religion forbids her from going to far

and driving a car to search for a husband. Well, I reckon in our religious faiths, we all have some things that are rather peculiar. The lesson I reckon is being respectful of all religions that teach love and kindness.

Sunday, May 28, 2023-Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend

The gym was closed.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Tupac : The 50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop Part Four

As I have stated Tupac Shakur was a member of our church, the House of the Lord Pentecostal Churches. His mother, Afeni, brought him, her daughter, Sekyiwa, and Afeni’s sister Gloria to the church for membership. Tupac was about 11 or 12 at the time. I watched him grow up for a while and then he moved to Baltimore. Occasionally we would reconnect and maintain our relationship. When he became a famous performing artist, or whenever he came to New York, his mother would always ask me to go to see him. When I did visit him he was always cordial and respectful.

When Tupac was shot five times in New York he was in and out of consciousness. There was a question if he would remain alive....

The 50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop Pt. 4 with the focus on Tupac Shakur Conversations from a Jail cell is now available to read. Visit the link below. The next article will be Name it, Frame it, Claim it! Stay tuned..

Had a hospital visit for a family member.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Follow-up Hospital Visit

The Chinese rejected America’s offer for a meeting. This is very significant because China has been accused of supporting Russia and sending drones to spy the USA. They have come as close within US borders, in fact their military came. So one would think that it would be China seeking a meeting.

China is still angry because of the US delegations that have been visiting Taiwan. China believes that Taiwan is still a part of mainland China. Secondly, Russia is still raining bombs and missiles on Ukraine, in particular Keyve the capital. There was a secret attack in Moscow, the Ukrainians say that they did not do it.It was an internal job. And so, down the road we go to Armageddon.

The Road to Armageddon

United States to train Ukrainian pilots to operate F16 fighter jets

Well, another step on the road to Armageddon. It has been announced that American President Biden has agreed to train Ukrainian pilots to fly the most advanced fighter jets. There was resistance for a long while to President Zelensky’s request. He convinced president Biden and the NATO allies that it was imperative that the country supply the planes and pilots if his country was to succeed in winning the war through military conquest or attrition, and of course, as always he needed more money. It seems to be a continuing theme: just one more this or that and a few more advanced weapons of war will achieve victory for the Ukrainians and its allies.

Followed by our Timbuktu Learning Center Health Night with Sister Leslie.


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