The History and Spirit of the House of the Lord Churches
While I was preparing for the June 12th article, President Biden went to Madrid and returned to have a press conference to meet with the G7 leaders. I followed up with another article which I am going to record now and continue the June 12th series at the conclusion of this article.
President Biden’s Press Conference:
On his return from his meeting with G7 leaders in Ukraine
President Biden returned from his meeting with the G7 leaders in Madrid, Spain in high spirits. He expressed his accomplishments:
$800 million dollars drawn out for Ukraine (not long ago Congress allocated 40 billion dollars for Ukraine. This is on top of the already 15 billion that had already been spent or allocated.) However, this does not satisfy the insatiable demands of President Zelensky. He wants 5 billion dollars a month. The present allocation includes highly sophisticated defense and offense weapons.
More ships for Spain and planes for Germany, Italy, and England
Military Headquarters in Poland and Spain
300,000 troops to be deployed in strategic places by NATO
(Finland and Sweden will join NATO. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Biden settled the objections of Turkey to Finland and Sweden joining NATO. At what price was not disclosed. Russia, of course, rejected it strenuously. Finland and Sweden joining NATO, according to President Biden, stretches about 800 miles of protection along Russia’s border.)
Also, he mentioned that they are preparing for the threat of China:
After his presentation, the President was questioned by the press. There was one question that was asked and two questions I thought should’ve been asked but were not. First, I think we should understand that a significant part of the American press seemed to be a propaganda mouthpiece for President Zelensky and the Ukrainians.
The first question was asked, “How long will the U.S. support Ukraine?” The President's response was, “As long as it takes.” As long as it takes is a scary answer. Does he mean that this war with Ukraine and the US support can go on forever? Does he mean my great grandson and daughter should get prepared for war? And with the war prolongation if there’s a slip-up or accident where someone says or does the wrong thing which precipitates a nuclear war? And as I say, his response was scary.
The second question that was not asked and I wondered why, why this unlimited support for Ukraine. They have been fighting over there for years. I think there have been two wars involving Ukraine. Why now and what’s the game plan? Why is this threat of perpetual war and the possibility of nuclear weaponry? What makes Ukraine so important?
The next question I would ask, and most importantly is why didn’t they accept the agreement negotiated by Russian and Ukrainians negotiations?
According to Michael von der Schuelenberg, he writes:
“The key elements for a peaceful solution have already been worked out by courageous Russian and Ukrainian negotiators in the first two months of the war. According to these, Ukraine would renounce NATO membership and not allow any foreign military bases on Ukrainian soil, while Russia would commit to recognizing Ukraine’s territorial integrity, withdraw all Russian troops from Ukraine and accept international security guarantees for Ukraine. It had also already been tentatively agreed to give a special status to the Donbas within Ukrainian territory (as already foreseen in Minsk II) and to resolve the future status of Crimea at a later stage through purely diplomatic means.
Certainly, this is not a complete peace treaty – not yet; many difficult details remain unresolved. But the outcome of these peace negotiations, even if only provisional, represents an astonishing achievement at a time of war. There is and will be no other peaceful solution than to agree to some form of Ukrainian neutrality in return for preserving Ukraine's territorial integrity. It would be completely illusory to assume, as some Western governments like to claim, that such a peace treaty is a purely Ukrainian responsibility and that they should stay out. To use this to justify the West's silence on Russian-Ukrainian peace efforts is highly disingenuous.”
It is of paramount importance that the American people and all people must ask the question why the agreement didn’t work. Who objected and why?